It's finals week here at Washington and Lee. So naturally, I am doing anything but finals. Instead, I created my first blog. Flying Lion comes from the name my sister gave my "babysitting and petcare business" when I was about 8 years old. I've decided to give in and make a blog for photos and recipes.
This morning I woke up to thick fog around my house. After grabbing my coffee and staring out the window for a while I realized this would be a perfect opportunity to photograph Stonewall Jackson Cemetery. The cemetery is right behind our house and full of usually lush trees. As all the leaves have finally dropped and we have our first winter storms, they're now completely bare and skeleton-y.
I was a little too late to catch the full fog effect but some of them turned out pretty well.
Awesome cemetery photos! I love your blog name, "Flying Lion" fit you back then and it still does today. Your business cards are still in my professional portfolio!